Home arrow IGSM 2009 arrow Organisation Committee
Organisation Committee PDF
 Felix Rohrbach

IGSO General Secretary

Felix Rohrbach

 Markus Züblin

IGSO Vice Secretary

Markus Züblin

 Sandra Zeder

IGSO Treasurer

Sandra Zeder

 Hannes Püschel

Sponsorship Specialist

Hannes Püschel

 Joël Braun

Social Events

Joël Braun

 Sebastian Büttler


Sebastian Büttler

 Barbara Staub

Internal Coordination

Barbara Staub

 David Ulrich

Technical Events

David Ulrich

 Claudia Röösli


Claudia Röösli


 Extended Organisation Committee

 Michael Schmid


Michael Schmid



Simon Schnider


Contact information:

IGSM 2009
Postfach 166
CH - 8093 Zürich

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